Rest Stops Need Neighborhoods and Neighborhoods Need Rest Stops
September 10, 2022Community Update
December 16, 2022Dear NHS Board Members Plus,
We enjoyed Thanksgiving Dinner so much and we are touched by each one of you and your caring of us.
Everything was delicious! We were savoring every bite and enjoying ourselves in our new kitchen”)
Nathan made sure that each delicious dish was set out and he carved the turkey.
We were all pretty quiet because we were eating but people spontaneously said things that they are thankful for. One woman said the stuffing tasted like her Grandfather’s and she is thankful for having had him in her life. We were all thankful to you all and how you all work together for our benefit. One young man thanked God and said that he is the only reason he is here today. It was sweet to hear everyone’s thankful tributes.
We all filled up too quickly but I have to share that the two who went back for more food many times were the two youngest.
I think they are done now.
Happy Thanksgiving from our hearts and tummy’s. We are feeling pretty blessed.
We hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving day
Warm Blessings,
Nathan, Tracy and NHS Residents